United States National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
History of Medicine

Directory of History of Medicine Collections


Medical Center Archives
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center

1300 York Ave #34
New York, New York 10065-4805
United States
Elizabeth M. Shepard, Associate Archivist
(212) 746-6072
1 212-746-6072
Fax: (212) 746-8279

Medical Center Archives is the official records repository for the New York-Presbyterian Hospital (East Campus) and Weill Medical College and Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University. Hospital records date from 1771 and medical college records date from 1898. Holdings include administrative and departmental records, patient records, and personal papers of prominent individuals who have been associated with the institutions. Records reflect health care, medical research, nursing, and medical education over a period of more than 225 years. Records of some antecedent or merged institutions are also available: Lying-In Hospital of the City of New York (1799-1939), New York Asylum for Lying-In Women (1823-1899), New York Infant Asylum (1865-1910), Nursery for the Children of Poor Women and Nursery & Child's Hospital (1854-1910) and the New York Hospital (1771-1977). RESTRICTIONS: The provisions of the federal government's Privacy Rule (HIPPA) govern research access to patient information. SERVICES: Open for public research, by appointment only: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Written reference requests only via post, fax, or email. Photo reproduction and limited photocopying.


Archival holdings include approximately 6,000 linear feet of paper records and nearly 20,000 photographs. There are extensive series of 19th century medical and surgical patient case histories. In addition to institutional and patient records, the archives holds approximately 150 collections of personal papers and manuscripts from individual physicians, faculty, nurses, students, and administrators who have been associated with the medical center. Notable are the collections of Hugh DeHaven, Eugene F. Dubois, Vincent du Vigneaud (1955 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry). Frank Glenn, Connie M. Guion (first female professor of clinical medicine), George J. Heuer, Benjamin H. Kean (professor/researcher in the fields of tropical medicine and parasitology), Walsh McDermott, George N. Papanicolaou (developer of the "Pap" smear), David E. Rogers (founding president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and co-chairman of the National Commission on AIDS), Julia C. Stimson (head of the Army Nurse Corp during World War I), and Harold G. Wolff. Holdings also include over 50 oral history interviews, collected between 1965 and 1985, with professors, physicians, and nurses who have been associated with Cornell University Medical College, New York Hospital, and Cornell University-New York Hospital School of Nursing.

1. Bakwin, Ruth
2. Banfield, Gertrude
3. Beck, Edna
4. Berg, Helen
5. Bonsnes, Roy
6. Cattell, McKeen
7. Daniels, Farrington
8. De Haven, Hugh
9. Deitrick, John
10. Diethelm, Oskar
11. Dunbar, Virginia
12. Evans, John
13. Feder, Aaron
14. Fiegan, Mary
15. Foley, William
16. Forkner, Claude
17. Friess, Constance
18. Glenn, Frank
19. Goldsmith, Edward
20. Greif, Roger
21. Guion, Connie
22. Hazeltine, Louis
23. Hickox, Verda
24. Holman, Cranston
25. Klein, Mary
26. Lambertsen, Eleanor
27. Lincoln, Helen
28. MacLeod, John
29. Marshall, Victor
30. McDermott, Mary
31. McDermott, Walsh
32. Nathanson, Joseph
33. Olcott, Charles
34. Oppel, Theodore
35. Overholzer, Margery
36. Parker, Bessie
37. Reader, George
38. Reznikoff, Paul
39. Roehner, Veronica
40. Rynbergen, Henderika
41. Schwartz, Doris
42. Simms, Laura
43. Simons, Donald
44. Stubenbord, William
45. Summers, Vanda
46. Taylor, Edward
47. Watters, Hyla
48. Wolf, Anna
49. Wright, Irving
Subject Strengths:
History of Hospitals; History of Medicine; History of Nursing; History of Pediatrics
Last Updated:
27 Jan 2016