United States National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
History of Medicine

Directory of History of Medicine Collections


American Society for Clinical Pathology
Department of Archives

33 W. Monroe Street Suite 1600
Chicago, Illinois 60612
United States
Brian Oliver, Archivist & Medical Digital Asset Librarian
(312) 541-4745
1 312-541-4999
Fax: (312) 541-4998

The American Society of Clinical Pathology Archives (ASCP) contains historical records of the Society, including minutes, correspondence, oral histories of past presidents, administrative records, photos, slides, publications, national meeting materials, educational and self-assessment materials, posters, and artifacts. The Archives also has a significant collection of historic textbooks and other publications on pathology and laboratory medicine. The Archives is open for members and staff to use; however, non-members may use the collection's holdings. SERVICES: Photocopies of material are available for a fee. Audiotapes, videotapes, and photographical materials may be copied by a vendor for a fee. The hours of the ASCP Archives vary and is staffed two days a week and by appointment.


The ASAP Archives is an attractive archive. It has over 1200 cubic feet of materials. The Archives’ holdings include, but not limited to: American Journal of Clinical Pathology (1931-) and Laboratory Medicine (1970-) published by ASCP.

1. Andujar, John
2. Bostick, Warren
3. Butler, Willis
4. Carroll, George
5. Cawley, Leo
6. Chandor, Stebbins
7. Coon, Robert
8. Copeland, Bradley
9. Culbertson, Clyde
10. Dean, Gerald
11. Dolan, William
12. Henry, John
13. Hoffman, George
14. Humes, James
15. Keffer, Joseph
16. Koop, C
17. Krickstein, Herbert
18. LaFond, David
19. Layton, Jack
20. Lundberg, George
21. Mainwaring, Rosser
22. Minard, Barbara
23. Peery, Thomas
24. Pritchard, James
25. Rock, Robert
26. Russell, William
27. Samuels, Monroe
28. Schenken, Jerald
29. Stembridge, Vernie
30. Sunderman, F
31. Vellios, Frank
32. Walker, Frank
Subject Strengths:
History of Pathology
Last Updated:
20 Sep 2016