United States National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
History of Medicine

Directory of History of Medicine Collections


Musee Des Sciences Medicales Et De La Sante (MS2)

Library; Museum
819 Rue du Mas Rillier
Rillieux-La-Pape 69140
Adenot Marc, Dr.
(+33)4 37 90 06 58
33 0437900658
Fax: ---

The MS2 is a new institution which gathers a large collection of objects and books in all field of medicine and medical sciences. Subjects include (surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, pharmacognosy, natural history, parasitology, egyptology, paleopathology, teratology, radiology…).

The major part of the current collection comes from the Testut-Latarjet Anatomy Museum, a (now closed) which was based in Lyon, a high place of French medicine and pharmacy: it includes archives and memories of famous physicians such as Lacassagne or Locard, both fathers of forensic medicine.
In addition, at term, the MS2 project will be enriched with other medical collections from local sources, notably the Lyon dental private museum.The museum main project is to save and gather all these prestigious medical collections in a unique place.

Since 2015, the museum is temporarily installed in a warehouse equipped with storage and exhibition rooms and offices in Rillieux-la-Pape, near Lyon. It is still awaiting to relocate into permanent premices. At the moment, the holdings are partially open to public, artists, students or searchers in Rillieux-la-Pape on special demand.


Collections from the Testut-Latarjet museum: hold approximately 1.500 old books in the field of medicine and medical sciences (natural history, pharmacy…), 3000 objects (wet specimen, instruments, photography, sculptures, medals, and medical equipment)

Unique medicine collections and specimens: Ollier (oteopathology), Gall (craniology), Destot (radiology), Lacassagne (forensic and legal medicine), Testut (anatomy, drawings…) with a focus on the history of pathology, wax moulages, embryology and teratology specimen…Bones and skeletons from the Laboratory of anthropology and paleopathology.

Some other rare and remarkable pieces: crane of Lambert Gregoire Ladré (a popular street singer and storyteller who becomes « Gnafron », the famous character from Mourguet’s Guignol puppet show) –mortuary masks of Jacquard, inventor of the loom – a unique exemplary of a non-genuine Mesmer’s baquet –egyptian and modern mummies – peruvian shrunken heads

Collections from the Lyon Dental museum includes around 6.000 pieces including dentist's chair and tooth-extraction equipements, milling device, spitoons, models, pictures and photographies, prosthetics, dental x-ray systems, old dental lab replica, ancient books, posters, and postal cards.

Subject Strengths:
History of Anatomy; History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia; History of Botany; History of Dentistry; History of Forensic Medicine; History of Medicine; History of Ophthalmology and Optometry; History of Orthopedics; History of Osteopathy; History of Pathology; History of Pharmacology and Pharmacy; History of Radiology; History of Surgery; History of Veterinary Medicine; History of the Practice of Medicine; Local History; Materia Medica
Last Updated:
21 Sep 2022