LSU Health Sciences Center Libraries
LSUHSC New Orleans
History of Medicine & Dentistry
The historical collections of the LSUHSC Libraries consist of rare and historic books, journals, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, photographs, prints, and ephemera. It also includes the archives for the LSUHSC New Orleans. All books and journals are included in the Library's catalog: ( SERVICES: Reference questions, photocopying, and other duplications at the discretion of the librarians. On-site research should be scheduled.
Archives – LSU School of Medicine (1931-1965), LSU Medical Center (1965-1999), LSU Health Sciences Center (1999-present), LSU School of Dentistry (1966-present).
History of Dentistry – collection includes World War I photographs (160) of soldiers with maxillofacial injuries and reconstructive procedures; nineteenth century dental journals; dental textbooks and monographs, 18th century through early 20th century; (250 volumes); nineteenth century dental instruments (50 items); early 20th century dental paraphernalia.
Louisiana Dentistry - collection includes documents from the Louisiana Dental Association; instruments, equipment, and early x-ray rubes from the office of C. Edmund Kells; composite pictures of Loyola School of Dentistry graduates 1914-1971; documents from early dental schools in Louisiana.
Medical Memorabilia Collection - includes an examination table, doctor's bags, instruments, and a porcelain bedpan.
Medical Portraits Collection – contains prints and reproductions of famous persons in medicine.
Medical Textbooks Collection – includes historical textbooks covering medical treatments and practical concerns from the 14th century through early 20th.
Pamphlets Collections – includes the Louisiana Medicine Pamphlet Collection, pamphlets and reprints relating to medicine in Louisiana, covers the 19th century through early 20th; 168 pieces Medical Catalog Collection – includes a collection of medical catalogs (instruments and supplies) from the 19th century; 33 pieces. Medical School Catalog Collection – includes School of Medicine catalogs from the 19th century; 67 pieces. Miscellanous Pamphlet Collection - includes pamphlets and reprints on medical topics from the 19th century; 82 pieces. Yellow Fever Pamphlet Collection – includes pamphlets and reprints relating to yellow fever dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries; 174 pieces. Digital Collections includes materials selected for digitization from the historical collections of the university.