Institut d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé et Institut d’éthique biomédicale
Université de Genève
Geneva 4 CH-1211
Fax: +41 22 379 57 92
The Library was founded in 1992. The collection covers the history of medicine, health, and bioethics (Institut d’éthique biomédicale). SERVICES: interlibrary loan in Europe, consulting, reference questions, photocopying and scanning.
Estimated holdings: ca. 20,000 monographs (mostly 19th and 20th century titles and modern secondary sources). A World Health Organization's gift of the ca. 5000 monographs and documents mainly about world health, public health and communicable diseases (16th – 20th century) Journal titles received: 20. Iconographic and portrait collections: ca 800. All books and journals are cataloged in the joint catalog of most scientific libraries of French Switzerland (RERO)(see above).